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Raicomes Metalli Spa


Founded by Mr Maffeis in 1957 in Milan, Raicomes Metalli operates in Castenedolo (BS) in an area of 6300 square metres.

For several decades now, our company has been collaborating with leading European metallurgical manufacturers with whom a relationship of continuous and constant exchange has been established over time, which has contributed to raising the level of technical competence of all our staff. We have always focused on product quality and customer satisfaction; in 2000, we were among the first metal service centres to obtain certification for our quality system according to the ISO 9001 standard, which has since been renewed periodically. 

Attention and assistance to our customers, with whom we seek to establish a long-lasting partnership, together with speed, punctuality and precision in the execution of orders, have decreed our success.

All supplied products have internal traceability and are certified accordingly.

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Industries and markets

Our company is present throughout the country and also exports to many European countries.

We are present in multiple industries such as:

mechanics, electronics, chemicals, petrochemicals, automotive and furniture.

We have taken an undisputed market leadership position in the eyewear and textile industry (zips).


Many years ago, we saw fit to equip the company with a procedural management system to improve and optimise the operating cycle. We are proud to have been among the first service centres to obtain quality system certification according to ISO En 9001 in 2000. Thanks to over 60 years of experience and long-standing relationships with the most qualified

European manufacturers, we can state that it is in our DNA to guarantee high and consistent quality. The speed and punctuality in processing orders, and the continuous search for improvement in the product and service offered, are objectives of primary importance to us. We can meet customer requirements as well as correspond to international industry standards. We constantly monitor incoming products and maintain

traceability for 5 years of the batches supplied with the relevant certification (chemical analysis and mechanical characteristics).

Highly qualified and motivated personnel provide the technical support to meet customer needs, sometimes jointly developing new products or solving problems during project implementation.

ISO 9001 certification


Our social commitment

Raicomes Metalli has always been close to the territory and promoter of values that put man at the centre, such as sport. For several years we have been partners of Atlantide Pallavolo Brescia, which plays in the men's A2 championship. It runs numerous teams from mini-volleyball to those under 18, allowing hundreds of children and young people to practice and share the values of this sport. Atlantide Pallavolo is a team that year after year has shown determination, team spirit and loyalty, all values we believe in and promote within our company.. 

We also support the Fondazione i Bambini delle Fate with monthly support in the realisation of the "Cascina Mensi" project in Montirone (Bs). 

It envisages the employment of autistic children and young people who will be able to experiment with land cultivation and the creation of a particular vegetable garden.

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